At Controll Capital, we value our clients' privacy and guarantee maximum protection for all confidential information entrusted to us.
All information you provide to us is treated with the highest level of confidentiality and only authorized persons have access to it. In addition, we strictly comply with all data protection laws and regulations, ensuring that your data is always safe with us. We want you to feel safe and secure when you trust us with your financial information.
Privacy Policy
At Controll Capital, privacy and security are priorities and we are committed to transparency in the processing of our users/clients' personal data. Therefore, this Privacy Policy establishes how the collection, use and transfer of information from customers or other people who access or use our website is done.
The information is only requested for the provision of the service to be made possible. This information is collected by fair and lawful means, in accordance with your full knowledge and consent to the provision of data. In addition, we make clear the purpose of using the collected information. Your personal data are stored only for the time necessary to provide the requested service.
Regarding data storage, absolutely all are protected by commercially acceptable means, preventing loss or theft, resulting in: third-party access, unauthorized disclosure, copying or modification. We commit to never sharing this personally identifiable information, except as required by law.
Navigation on our website may contain links to external websites that, in fact, are not conducted by our team. In this case, we emphasize the need to be aware that we have no control over their practices and content. In particular, we are not responsible for the privacy policy of these sites.
By using our services, you understand that we will collect and use your personal information in the ways described in this Policy, under the rules of the Federal Constitution of 1988 (art. 5, LXXIX; and art. 22, XXX - included by EC 115/2022) , Data Protection rules (LGPD, Federal Law 13.709/2018), the consumerist provisions of Federal Law 8078/1990 and other applicable rules of the Brazilian legal system.
In this way, Controll Capital Serviços Administrativos LTDA, hereinafter simply referred to as “Controll Capital”, registered with the CNPJ/MF under No. 47.621.546/0001-23, in the role of Data Controller, undertakes to comply with the provisions of this Policy of Privacy.
Site map
+55 (21) 99456-5321
Av. das Américas, 2480
Block 4, Room 128
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A Controll Capital é correspondente cambial do Ebury Bank, de acordo com a resolução CMN Nº 4.935, DE 29 DE JULHO DE 2021, Artigo 14 do Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN). Para mais informações sobre nosso parceiro, serviços disponíveis, atendimento e ouvidoria, acesse o link a seguir: {}.